Every person who accesses the Insurance Commission of The Bahamas’ (“the Commission”) website consents, as a User, to the terms of use stated in this document. The Commission reserves the right to amend these terms from time to time. The Commission abides by accepted norms and standards with regard to user privacy protection.
Legal materials published on the Commission’s website, such as legislation, regulations and decisions, can be copied, printed and distributed by Users free of charge and without any other authorization from the Commission, provided that the Commission is identified as the source of the document. Use of such legal materials published by the Commission can be subject to additional conditions set by courts and government bodies claiming intellectual property rights relating to the documents. The Commission does not claim property rights to the legal documents and Users remain responsible for checking whether the intended use of the documents is authorized. The Commission also provides links from this site to other sites and therefore, does not prepare or endorse any information and makes no representation about its accuracy completeness or legality and will not be responsible for any loss or damages arising from or related to its use.
The documents published on the Commission’s website have been collected and prepared for Users’ convenience, and uniquely for informative purposes; they are in no way legal advice. Despite the care taken in preparing and maintaining its website, the Commission, its employees and service providers can in no way be held responsible for damages caused directly or indirectly by use of the Commission website or by its non-availability. The Commission provides no warranty and makes no claims as to the reliability, accuracy or integrity of the website’s content or functioning.
Use of the Commission’s website is governed by the laws of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas. All questions, comments and requests concerning this document should be emailed to the Commission at info@icb.gov.bs.